Dr. Marlon Robinson is a sought-after speaker in the areas of mental health, relationships, selfcare, life balance, and physician mental wellbeing. He co-founded Family On Point, LLC with his darling wife of over ten years. He is a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy as well as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Board Approved Supervisor in Kentucky. He has presented at both the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference and Leadership Symposium and authored articles on marriage and family therapists self-care, biracial marriage, leadership, and pastor’s mental health and COVID-19. He currently serves as Vice-President of the Thompson Scholars Foundation Board and Adjunct Faculty at AdventHealth University. Dr. Robinson received both his Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Therapy from St. Mary’s University of San Antonio. He also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and a Master of Divinity from Northern Caribbean University and Andrews University, respectively. Most of all, Dr. Robinson is a friend to all people.
Marlon’s courses